Site icon Island Community Action

Senior’s Christmas Lunch

As always, what a fantastic success it was.

Over 80 older residents came together for a three course festive meal, complete with drinks, presents and entertainment.

Massive thanks to Portland Court Leet for their contribution towards the presents. Thanks also to The Lobster Pot (and their team) for always supporting the event so generously and Steve Whale, Whaley Entertainment for the fantastic music.

Finally, thanks to the ICA volunteers, from the drivers and event helpers to those who manned the office in our absence. As always, we couldn’t do it without you.

ICA receives no long-term funding for its older people’s services, so we are hugely grateful for the contributions made by those above. Their time and effort helps ensure the event continues to run annually.

If you would like to support ICA’s activities for older residents (and those impacted by disability and / or long-term, chronic or terminal illness), you can do so here.

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